We have just 10 days until Addy's final (planned) surgery. How time has flown! It seems like we were just celebrating her 1st birthday, and she just turned 2 last weekend! Our family has been so busy, it seems like every time we blink another month goes by! Hunter and Maci have started school back and are finally back in the routine of things. Heath graduated last month from his Nurse Practitioner program, a great accomplishment and relief to us all! Now it is my turn, as I have started the same program to complete in a year. Most people think that we're crazy but we're optimistic that if we've done it once, the second time should be a piece of cake!
Heath and the kids at his pinning ceremony |
Heath and his Mom |
Me and Heath- Addy is bored |
Nana and the kids at pinning |
Addy turned 2 this past weekend! We just had a small cake and party at the house with just us to celebrate. We were unsure of so many things when Addy was born, each birthday seems like a huge milestone that I am so thankful we get to celebrate. Although it is slightly overshadowed by the worry we have for the upcoming weeks, it helps to truly be thankful and recognize how special each birthday is.
Grandma and Grandpa bought Addy a new wagon for our hospital visit! We are very excited to have something to haul all our stuff around with! |
Addy says "I could get used to this!" |
Happy Birthday to Addy! |
Blowing out the candles on her Dora cake with Daddy! |
Yay, she did it! |
Mmm, Addy loves cake! |
Addy's surgery is planned for September 5th. It has snuck up on us, but in many ways we are just ready to be on the other side of this surgery. I am already trying to prepare the things that we will need to make the hospitalization with a 2 year old easier. I don't get paid time off as an unbenefited employee, and Heath doesn't have much accrued- so we anticipate just working around Addy being in the hospital as much as we can. My parents will be a huge help as always, and Heath's mom will come help us out for a few days as well. We will do as we always have- the best we can with what we have! This past week everyone except Heath has had a nice little summer cold, Addy included. This worries us because as most heart parents know, we have planned our life around this surgery and can't afford for it to be postponed! We made a visit to the pediatrician on Thursday and went ahead and had her put on steroids so that she could improve faster. We are confident that by another week and a half she will be all better and ready for the fight of her life! Otherwise, Addy is doing great! She is talking up a storm, and the things she says can really surprise you sometimes! We are anxious to get past this step to see if her activity tolerance increases. It is anticipated that if she continues having breathing problems after this surgery she will probably need her adenoids taken out. Fun, Fun.... Well, I guess that's all of the updates for now. Hopefully the 12 people who read this blog will keep us in their prayers in the upcoming weeks! I will try to keep updating during her surgery for anyone who follows!
Addy never smiles for the camera, so of course when I finally catch her in a smile she has a mouth full of Cheetoes! A true "Cheese" moment! |
She couldn't possibly go up the stairs, the slide side is much more fun! This is her favorite toy right now! |
Addy's driving her boat! "Choo Choo" she says! |