Our Congenital Heart Warrior!

Our Congenital Heart Warrior!
Rockin her Red!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer Days, Ups & Downs!

It's been a busy summer, and it's hard to believe it's almost over! I've been busy finishing up school and only have 2 weeks left until I'm done. In the throes of the stress it's hard to realize I'm almost done, but I'm really looking forward to having less on my plate and getting to enjoy being a mom (and human) again! Just working my normal 2-3 days a week will be a relief compared to the last year! Everyone is doing pretty well, we got a good checkup from hematology last month and cardiac-wise we are wonderful. Addy has had a big growth spurt lately as a result of her eating everything in site, and she's up to about 30 pounds now! We have pretty darn good exercise tolerance and we're looking forward to the fall when Hunter & Maci are starting their new private school and Addy is starting preschool 2 days a week. Preschool while anti coagulated will surely be a wild adventure! Here are some of the highlights of the summmer, hope ya'll enjoy!

Addy had her hematology visit, she really liked the statues outside of VCH! REEACCH, I'm sure most of you recognize these, she is ever the clown!

We had our monthly INR check in June- and it came back almost twice as high as expected! Addy did happen to come down with a UTI that very same day so we felt like that was the culprit but it was nonetheless stressful! We had to recheck to make sure the rogue reading was correct, then for the next 2 weeks we had rechecks, that required multiple sticks to get thanks to a lab error! Addy is such a trooper, even though she cries during the sticks the girls at Centennial's Kids Express are REALLY GREAT!!! They give her the A-list treatment, and their Child Life Specialist, Caroline, ROCKS! I'm just saying, we have much better luck having nurses stick than phlebotomists that don't even like kids! Addy's favorite part is before the sticks when she gets to pretend she is working, she fits right in! I think I see a future doctor...errrr, probably nurse on second thought!

Taking important phone calls with Nurse Felicia
Checking Child Life Caroline's Ears for Kitties!

Time for Nurse Ashley's IV and blood draw!

Checking her chart for lab results!
Oh no, we better call the doctor!

 The next week at my doctor's appointment, she jumped right in and starting trying to do my vital signs and check my chart! Who says chronically ill children aren't well adjusted, Ha! Even my doc was impressed, she managed computer charting better than most docs!

 Just so you guys realize we don't spend ALL of our time at the doctor, Addy is finally getting big enough to actually pic up Sweetie Pie... sort of, poor kitty, she is such a good sport!
  By the way, we did manage to do a few fun things this summer! Addy got a new backyard pool that she calls her water park, she LOVES IT, she is like a fish!

We also took a short trip to Gatlinburg to stay at Wilderness at the Smokies. While we were there we went to the Aquarium where the mermaids were visiting! Both girls were enambored with her, I didn't think we were going to get them to leave!
 And of course we had to take pictures after Mommy straighted her hair like a big girl for church! She is growing up so fast, I can't believe it most days. Stay tuned for more updates!